Centre for Policy on Ageing


Integrating mental health care into residential homes for the elderly
 — an analysis of six Dutch programs for older people with severe and persistent mental illness
Author(s)Marja F I A Depla, Jeannette Pols, Jacomine de Lange
Journal titleJournal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol 51, no 9, September 2003
Pagespp 1275-1279
KeywordsMental disorder ; Psychiatric treatment ; Liaison ; Care homes ; Projects ; Netherlands.
AnnotationIntegrating mental health care with residential care has the potential for dealing with chronically mentally ill older people's complex care needs. In this analysis of six programmes in the Netherlands, three types of co-operative arrangements existed: a psychiatric hospital renting a unit in a residential home; a psychiatric hospital permanently stationing mental health professionals in a residential home; and a residential home employing its own psychiatrically trained staff. At the operational level, contrasting views emerged on the relationship between physical and mental health care; these were delivered separately or in integrated form. In either case, employees trained as care workers or as psychiatric nurses had difficulty understanding each other, because they hold different ideas about good quality care. Whereas care workers use what is characterised as a caregiving approach, nurses are problem-oriented and use rehabilitation approaches. At the housing level, two models existed: apartments in a separate unit (concentrated housing) or located throughout a facility (dispersed housing). Assigning mental health professionals to work in a home offers the most promising solution. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040109001 A
ClassmarkE: LP: QAK: KW: 3E: 76H

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