Centre for Policy on Ageing


Forgotten families
 — older people as carers of orphans and vulnerable children
Corporate AuthorHelpAge International; International HIV/AIDS Alliance
PublisherInternational HIV/AIDS Alliance, Brighton, 2003
Pages24 pp
SourceInternational HIV/AIDS Alliance, Queensberry House, 104-106 Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3XF. mail@aidsalliance.org
KeywordsAIDS ; Children ; Informal care ; Older people ; Case studies ; Asia ; Africa.
AnnotationProvided that appropriate support is available - as demonstrated in this report - older carers who are supporting orphans and vulnerable children can overcome some of the challenges posed by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The report draws on evidence collected from programme experience in Africa and Asia. It provides an overview of the issues identified by the older people, orphans and vulnerable children themselves. It presents good practice examples from community-based programmes as case studies variously from South Africa, Mozambique, Thailand, Zambia, Sudan, Vietnam and Uganda. Recommendations are made that will help to prioritise orphans and their carers within HIV/AIDS and wider development policies, programmes and research. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040107203 B
ClassmarkCQTT: SBC: P6: B: 69P: 7C: 7J

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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