Centre for Policy on Ageing


Pathways to progress in eliminating racial disparities in health
Author(s)Thomas A LaVeist
Journal titlePublic Policy and Aging Report, vol 13, no 3, Summer 2003
PublisherNational Academy on an Aging Society, Summer 2003
Pagespp 19-22
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Ill health ; United States of America.
AnnotationDiscussions of race often cause more heat than light. This is because race generates emotion, and emotion is often the antidote to reason. Race is the only variable that can turn otherwise disciplined rational scientists into irrational sloppy thinkers. Some have even suggested that we should simply stop studying race and health. Certainly, health disparities are a vexing problem, so perhaps it is understandable that one might conclude that a moratorium on race/health research might be in order. However, ignoring health disparities, ostrich-like, seems unlikely to be the best solution. This would do nothing for the more than 600,000 excess deaths that occur among American racial minorities each year. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-031210205 A
ClassmarkTK: CH: 7T

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