Centre for Policy on Ageing


National Care Standards Commission annual report and accounts 2003
 — Protecting people, improving lives
Corporate AuthorNational Care Standards Commission - NCSC
PublisherTSO, London, 2003
Pages83 pp
SourceTSO, PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN. www.tso.co.uk/bookshop www.carestandards.org.uk
KeywordsAnnual reports.
AnnotationThe National Care Standards Commission (NCSC) was established by Government through the Care Standards Act 2000 and came into operation on l April 2002. It is a non-departmental public body accountable to Parliament through the Secretary of State for Health. NCSC regulates social care and private and voluntary healthcare services in England only and encourages improvement in the quality of those services. NCSC's responsibilities are extensive; it has replaced about 230 local and health authority inspection units and taken over the regulation of voluntary children's homes, previously the responsibility of the Department of Health and Social Services Inspectorate (SSI, DH). This report then is of the body's first year of operation to provide a single, independent authority to ensure a consistent approach to protecting and improving quality for service users in social care and independent healthcare. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-031201202 B

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