Centre for Policy on Ageing


The construction of identity in the accounts of informal carers for people with dementia
Author(s)Trevor Adams
Journal titleEducation and Ageing, vol 17, nos 2/3, 2002
Pagespp 237-256
KeywordsFamily care ; Dementia ; Personality ; Attitude ; Cognitive processes ; Interviewing.
AnnotationThe conversational processes that give rise to the construction of identity in families caring for relative with dementia are examined. Data used comprised tape recordings of 24 semi-structured interviews between the researcher and informal carers for people who had been diagnosed as having dementia. The interviews were transcribed, and their analysis identified four forms of story within the accounts: pre-onset stories, recognition stories, searching stories, and dependency stories. It was found that these stories allowed inferences about the identity of family members and were used as a means of accomplishing informal care. The article argues that through these inferences, the identities of particular family members are progressively transformed into "the person with dementia" and "the informal carer". The implications of these findings for education and training are discussed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-031119207 A
ClassmarkP6:SJ: EA: DK: DP: DA: 3DL

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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