Centre for Policy on Ageing


Evaluation of the National Care Standards consultations
Author(s)Ruth Whatling
Corporate AuthorCivic Participation and Consultation Research Team, Scottish Executive Social Research
PublisherScottish Executive Social Research, Edinburgh, 2003
Pages65 pp (+ appendix)
SourceThe Stationery Office Bookshop, 71 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9AZ. Website: www.scotland.gov.uk/socialresearch
KeywordsServices ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Standards of provision ; Attitude ; Evaluation ; Scotland.
AnnotationIn August 2002, the Scottish Executive commissioned a research project to evaluate the consultative processes used in the development of the first 19 sets of National Care Standards. This report presents the findings from the research, which involved interviews with 44 people who had participated in developing the Standards. The report gives background information on the National Care Standards Committee, which was set up to write the Standards. The report looks at the process of developing the Standards by the Working Groups and in consulting wider audiences. The outcome is examined in terms of interviewees' opinions about the published standards and their concerns as to whether the Standards were measurable, workable and suitable for inspection purposes. The consultation encompassed working groups, informal consultation, written consultation exercises and various consultation events. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-031111207 B
ClassmarkI: Q3: 583: DP: 4C: 9A

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