Centre for Policy on Ageing


Implementation of a model for service delivery and organisation in mental healthcare
 — a qualitative exploration of service provider views
Author(s)Eileen Kaner, Alison Steven, Paul Cassidy
Journal titleHealth & Social Care in the Community, vol 11, no 6, November 2003
Pagespp 519-527
KeywordsPsychiatric treatment ; Management [care] ; Attitude ; Qualitative Studies ; Gateshead.
AnnotationIn 1999, the National Service Framework (NSF) for Mental Health outlined new healthcare standards across a wide spectrum of mental health problems. This article reports a qualitative case study approach regarding changes to the model of mental health care. 25 service providers across statutory and voluntary mental health and social care services in Gateshead were interviewed. The findings indicate that implementation of the model of service delivery and organisation associated with the NSF was influenced by three interrelated factors: the means by which the model was introduced to the workforce; use of the model itself by service providers; and the broader service context. Negative reactions to the way the model was initially presented strongly influenced service providers' subsequent views of it. Moreover, observations on the broader context of mental healthcare revealed a service that was ill-equipped to manage change, because of overstretched resources, and that was disinclined to accept change because of poor staff morale. A full diagnostic analysis of the system, including service providers' concerns, should be carried out before introducing change or reconfiguring services. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-031107206 A
ClassmarkLP: QA: DP: 3DP: 86C

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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