Centre for Policy on Ageing


Green choice : what choice?
 — summary of NCC research into consumer attitudes to sustainable consumption
Author(s)Maxine Holdsworth
Corporate AuthorNational Consumer Council - NCC
PublisherNational Consumer Council - NCC, London, 2003
Pages16 pp (PD 57/03)
SourceNational Consumer Council, 20 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0DH. www.ncc.org.uk
KeywordsConsumer choice ; Attitude ; Qualitative Studies ; Cherwell ; Plymouth ; Hackney ; Manchester.
AnnotationQualitative research aimed to uncover consumers' perceived barriers to consuming sustainably, their views on who is responsible for sustainable consumption, and their motivations for consuming sustainably. Groups were conducted in four contrasting locations across England: Banbury in rural Oxfordshire; the London Borough of Hackney; Plymouth; and a large housing estate in Manchester. The research found a positive, but passive, view of sustainable consumption. People were generally happy to do "their bit" and to be responsible, but convenience often take precedence. People are unsure about what sustainable consumption entails in practice. Those on low incomes have a much more local outlook, suffer most from local environmental degradation, and feel powerless to improve their circumstances. Disadvantaged consumers are often shut out from making sustainable consumption choices, have less access to facilities, and less income to invest in more sustainable products. For policy measures to encourage these consumers, they should look to improve quality of life as well as the environment. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-031027508 B
ClassmarkWYC: DP: 3DP: 8OB: 8DEG: 82LD: 83E

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