Centre for Policy on Ageing


Held to ransom; In the spirit of competition; and All dressed up
 — [residential care home closures]
Author(s)Marcia White, Alex Dobson, Chidi King
Journal titleCare and Health Magazine, issue 46, 8 October 2003
Pagespp 6-11 (3 articles)
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Delayed discharge ; Discharge [hospitals] ; Personnel ; Social Services Departments.
AnnotationDetermination by care home providers to secure a fair price for care, has pushed many to challenge care home fee structures in the courts. In the second article, "In the spirit of competition", Chidi King looks at the legal recourse care home owners have in trying to negotiate increased fees for local authority residents. "Held to ransom" considers care home owners' threats to refuse to accept clients from local authorities. This in turn has prompted the community care minister, Stephen Ladyman, to express concerns that English Care, a consortium of major care home providers in England, is operating what is effectively a cartel. In "All dressed up", Alex Dobson reports that local authorities have until January 2003 to implement policies required under the Community Care (Delayed Discharges) Act 2003, to ensure that older people are moved out of hospitals promptly. As well as reporting comments from individual local authorities, the article notes that nine members of the Royal Commission on Long Term Care have also expressed serious concern about the future care of older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-031020511 A
ClassmarkKW: LHB: LD:QKM: LD:QKJ: QM: PF *

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