Centre for Policy on Ageing


A brighter future for older people : London Older People's Service Development Programme
 — Report and key lessons - June 2003
Corporate AuthorSocial Services Inspectorate - SSI, Department of Health - DH
PublisherDepartment of Health - DH, London, 2003
PagesA4 pack with 2 reports and 8 inserts
SourceVal Jones, SW London Health Authority, Hartfield House, 41-47 Hartfield Road, London SW19 3RG. www.london.nhs.uk/olderpeople
KeywordsHealth services ; Services ; Coordination ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Multi disciplinary ; Pilot ; Projects ; London.
AnnotationThis is one of the final outcomes of the Older People's Development Programme in London, which was a 2-year whole systems improvement initiative ending in June 2003. Work towards introduction of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) was a major element of the Programme. The pack contains: Summary of evaluation of Phase 2 carried out by the Older People's Programme, King's College London; Final report June 2001 - June 2003; and 8 pamphlets: How to modernise health and social care services for older people: some ideas and practical tips; Prevention finding approaches that work; Work with emergency and acute services: a case management approach; Single assessment: what works; Empowering users and carers: what works; Medicines management; Falls screening and prevention; and Working with people with dementia. The summary of evaluation of Phase 2 has title, 'A journey of improvement: lessons and experiences from using the collaborative methodology in improving older people's services across 12 London Boroughs: an overview of an evaluation ...', and was carried out by the Older People's Programme at the Institute for Applied Health and Social Policy (IAHPS), Kings's College, London. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-031014203 B
ClassmarkL: I: QAJ: QK6: 3DM: 4UC: 3E: 82L

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