Centre for Policy on Ageing


A brighter future for older people : London Older People's Service Development Programme
 — Digest - June 2003
Corporate AuthorSocial Services Inspectorate - SSI, Department of Health - DH
PublisherDepartment of Health - DH, London, 2003
SourceVal Jones, SW London Health Authority, Hartfield House, 41-47 Hartfield Road, London SW19 3RG. www.london.nhs.uk/olderpeople
KeywordsHealth services ; Services ; Coordination ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Multi disciplinary ; Pilot ; Projects ; London.
AnnotationThis digest is one of the final outcomes of the Older People's Development Programme in London, which was a 2-year whole systems improvement initiative ending in June 2003. It comprises: an index of the Programme's work; information on the 25 original projects, with contact details; information on 4 projects funded by and linked to the Programme on medicines management, and patients as teachers; and a paper describing some of the Programme's lessons and ideas. The case finding or case management projects all involved social service departments (SSDS), primary care trusts (PCTs) or other health service trusts, and voluntary sector organisations working together on projects around the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). Most of the projects included an element of piloting the Single Assessment Process (SAP), testing assessment tools such as EASY-Care, and involving older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-031014202 B
ClassmarkL: I: QAJ: QK6: 3DM: 4UC: 3E: 82L

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