Centre for Policy on Ageing


The neglect of somatoform disorders by old age psychiatry
 — some explanations and suggestions for future research
Author(s)Chanaka Wijeratne, Henry Brodaty, Ian Hickie
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 18, no 9, September 2003
Pagespp 812-819
KeywordsNeuroses ; General practice ; Psychiatric treatment ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationSignificant conceptual, diagnostic and classification problem have impeded consideration of somatoform disorders in older people. There is a perception that somatoform disorders are infrequent and have not been validated as independent clinical disorders. However, the authors present evidence that the more broadly defined somatoform disorders are common in all age groups in primary care, and meet criteria for the determination of clinical validity. General difficulties in the assessment of psychiatric disorders in primary care, the settings in which somatoform disorders are most common, are compounded by a lack of support from old age psychiatry services. There is a need for a change in the conceptualisation and nosology of the somatoform disorders. The formulation of age-appropriate diagnostic criteria and presentations is a prerequisite for determining the clinical validity of these disorders in older people. This can be followed by study of their frequency, associated risk factors and treatment. A system of education that enhances the management of these disorders within primary care and old-age psychiatry services is needed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-031001220 A
ClassmarkEN: L5: LP: 64A

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