Centre for Policy on Ageing


Sheltered housing and the resettlement of older homeless people
 — a report for Help the Aged/hact
Author(s)Imogen Blood
Corporate AuthorHelp the Aged; Housing Associations Charitable Trust - hact
PublisherHelp the Aged, London, 2002
Pages48 pp
SourceJenny Havis, Publications, Help the Aged, 207-221 Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ. E-mail: info@helptheaged.org.uk Website: www.helptheaged.org.uk
KeywordsSheltered housing ; Homelessness ; Tenants ; Social surveys ; Greater Manchester ; North West England.
AnnotationTraditional demand for sheltered housing is declining, and new lettings are being made, typically to younger male tenants with histories of homelessness and/or other needs arising from alcohol use, mental health problems, learning disability and past offending. This report is based on research and development work conducted in 2001-2002 by the Manchester-based Older Homelessness Development Project with funding from the Help the Aged/ hact Older Homelessness Programme. It presents key findings from: a review of the literature, research, policy and initiatives on older homelessness and sheltered housing; a survey of English Churches Housing Group's (ECHG) 21 sheltered housing schemes in north-west England; an assessment of sheltered housing as a resettlement option as seen by resettlement workers and staff from registered social landlords (RSLs); and a review of mainstream and specialist models of sheltered accommodation in England, Wales and the US that provide temporary and permanent accommodation to older homeless people. The report makes recommendations on how the sheltered housing sector might meet the needs of this group more effectively. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030925217 B
ClassmarkKLA: K4A: KET: 3F: 83: 82NW

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