Centre for Policy on Ageing


Messages to Madrid: identifying the priorities of older people
 — [report of a conference organised by Help the Aged in London in December 2001]
Corporate AuthorHelp the Aged
PublisherHelp the Aged, London, 2002
Pages6 pp
SourceHelp the Aged, 207-221 Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ. E-mail: info@helptheaged.org.uk Website: www.helptheaged.org.uk
KeywordsAgeing process ; Social policy ; Help the Aged ; Conference proceedings ; International.
AnnotationOlder people in the UK have many of the same needs as their counterparts in the developing world. Their views must be heard and taken into account if the challenges of the worldwide population explosion are to be met. This was the key message from an international conference organised by Help the Aged in London in December 2001, held to mark the Charity's 40 years of working to secure and uphold the rights of older people across the world. This report summarises the main messages from the conference, to be taken to the United Nations Second World Assembly on Ageing being held in Madrid in April 2002. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030925201 P
ClassmarkBG: TM2: PYH: 6M: 72 *

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