Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ethical issues in end of life geriatric care
 — the approach of three monotheistic religions - Judaism, Catholicism and Islam
Author(s)A Mark Clarfield, Michael Gordon, Hazel Markwell
Journal titleJournal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol 51, no 8, August 2003
Pagespp 1149-1154
KeywordsMedical care ; Terminal care ; Social ethics ; Judaism ; Roman Catholicism ; Islam ; Case studies.
AnnotationEthical dilemmas pervade modern geriatric medicine. What is considered right or wrong will differ depending on, among other things, the patient's religion. The three Abrahamic monotheistic religions - Judaism, Christianity (its Catholic variant), and Islam - all have carefully considered positions on medical ethics. Although much is held in common, there are significant differences. The authors present three clinical cases, each of which presents ethical dilemmas typical of geriatric care, especially at the end of life. On the basis of these scenarios, the normative ethical position of each religion is compared and contrasted. With increasingly multicultural societies and clientele, it is hoped that geriatricians will find this approach useful in treating patients. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030923208 A
ClassmarkLK: LV: TQ: TUW: TSA: TUR: 69P

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