Centre for Policy on Ageing


Age-related changes of circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles
Author(s)In-Young Yoon, Daniel F Kripke, Jeffrey A Elliott
Journal titleJournal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol 51, no 8, August 2003
Pagespp 1085-1091
KeywordsSleep behaviour ; Daily ; Ageing process ; Clinical surveys ; United States of America.
Annotation67 young adults aged 18 to 32, and 56 older adults aged 60 to 75, who were healthy and had few sleep complaints kept a daily sleep log and wore wrist activity monitors for one week of recording. After home monitoring, subjects entered a laboratory on a 90-minute sleep-wake schedule, and were monitored on this schedule for at least 30 hours. Home sleep times and illumination acrophases (fitted peak times) were advanced in older adults. The researchers found that measuring different circadian markers suggested different phase relationships between the sleep-wake cycle and endogenous circadian rhythms in ageing. Early awakening in older people cannot be explained simply by a relative phase advance of the circadian system. Evening naps and advanced illumination may play a role in the advance of the circadian system on ageing. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030923207 A
ClassmarkCG: 4RA: BG: 3G: 7T

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