Centre for Policy on Ageing


Quality of life measures for residents of aged care facilities
 — a literature review
Author(s)Mary Courtney, Helen Edwards, Joyce Stephan
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 22.2, June 2003
Pagespp 58-64
KeywordsQuality of life ; Residents [care homes] ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Measurement ; Evaluation ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationWith increases in life expectancy and concomitant use of residential aged care, there is a need to improve the quality of long-term care for older people. An essential outcome of such care is optimum quality of life (QOL), but it is difficult to define and measure, particularly within the context of residential aged care. Most of the QOL measures available do not measure issues relevant to residents of aged care facilities, as the areas measured are not appropriate. Further, an over-emphasis on health and physical function might produce a more negative picture of QOL than actually experienced by this group of people. This paper explores available QOL measurement tools that can adequately measure QOL in residential aged care. Data from such a tool might assist policy makers in their decision-making, if used on a national basis. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030822204 A
ClassmarkF:59: KX: KW: LHB: 3R: 4C: 64A

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