Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older people in deprived neighbourhoods
 — social exclusion and quality of life in old age
Author(s)Thomas Scharf, Chris Phillipson, Allison E Smith
Corporate AuthorGrowing Older (GO) Programme, Economic & Social Research Council - ESRC
Journal titleGO Findings: 19 - Research Findings from the Growing Older Programme, June 2003
PublisherESRC, Sheffield, June 2003
Pages4 pp
SourceESRC Growing Older Programme, Department of Sociological Studies, Elmfield, Northumberland Road, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TU. www.shef.ac.uk/uni/projects/gop/index.htm
KeywordsPoor elderly ; Isolation ; Neighbourhoods, communities etc ; Deprived areas ; Quality of life ; Research Reviews ; Newham ; Manchester ; Liverpool.
AnnotationIn seeking to provide new insights into the nature of inequalities in older age, this study examined the degree to which residence in an area of concentrated poverty leads to a diminished quality of life. The research sought to examine five different forms of social exclusion judged as relevant to older people's circumstances, namely exclusion from: material resources, social relations, civic activities, basic services, and the neighbourhood. The experience of multiple exclusion was significantly linked to age 75+ and ethnicity. The research was undertaken in the three most deprived electoral wards in the three local authorities which ranked the lowest on the 1998 Indices of Local Deprivation: Liverpool, Manchester and the London Borough of Newham. Data collection consisted of a survey of 600 people aged 60+ in the three authorities, and semi-structured interviews with 130 people in the same age group. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030820207 A
ClassmarkF:W6: TP: RH: RN: F:59: 3A:6KC: 82LQ: 83E: 84B

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