Centre for Policy on Ageing


Correlates of everyday competence in Chinese older adults
Author(s)K-L Chou
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 7, no 4, July 2003
Pagespp 308-315
KeywordsSelf care capacity ; Independence ; Cognitive processes ; Evaluation ; Chinese language ; Correlation ; Hong Kong.
AnnotationWhether older people can maintain levels of adaptation that allow them to continuing living independently, is necessarily contingent upon them maintaining levels of everyday competence. This study identifies factors correlated to the everyday competence of Hong Chinese older people, as measured by a Chinese version of the Direct Assessment of Functional Abilities. 393 people aged 60+ from a cross-sectional study of a representative community sample of Hong Kong's older population were interviewed. In multiple regression analyses, the researchers found that self-rated health, sight, and global cognitive ability were positively associated with everyday competence, whereas the presence of arthritis had a negative impact. These findings are consistent with previous western studies. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030806229 A
ClassmarkCA: C3: DA: 4C: 6WS: 49: 7DR

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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