Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ageing and social policy: Britain and Germany compared
Author(s)Gerhard Naegele, Alan Walker
Corporate AuthorAnglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society
PublisherAnglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, 2002
Pages39 pp
SourceDownloaded document (14/07/03): www.agf.org.uk/pubs/pdfs/1383Ageing.web.pdf
KeywordsAgeing process ; Social policy ; Comparison ; United Kingdom ; Germany.
AnnotationThe aim of this research commissioned by the Anglo-German Foundation is to give added focus to its work in supporting comparative research and discussion of key issues facing policy makers in Britain and Germany. Reports on the two countries cover the following themes: demography; work and employment; income, poverty and wealth in old age; health and health care; the need for nursing and the organisation of caregiving; maintaining independence; housing; social networks and social support; social and political participation; and research on ageing. Recommendations are made for comparative research projects based on the report's analysis. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030715603 E
ClassmarkBG: TM2: 48: 8: 767

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