Centre for Policy on Ageing


NHS funding for long term care
 — second report, the Health Service Ombudsman, session 2002-2003; presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 14(4) of the Health Service Commissioners Act 1993
Author(s)Ann Abraham
Corporate AuthorHealth Service Commissioner [Ombudsman] for England
PublisherThe Stationery Office, London, 13 February 2003
Pages57 pp (HC 399 2002/03)
SourceTSO, PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN. www.ombudsman.org.uk
KeywordsComplaints [services] ; National Health Service ; Finance [care] ; Nursing homes ; Care homes ; Services ; Health services ; Long term ; Government publications.
AnnotationThe Health Service Commissioner for England reports that her office has been investigating a number of complaints about arrangements for long term NHS care (also referred to as continuing care) for older and disabled people. This report presents background on: the legal and policy framework; the issues arising from complaints (e.g. the Coughlan judgment); and the National Framework for NHS-funded care. It reproduces extracts from the circular HSC 2001/015, LAC (2001)18, "Continuing care: NHS and local councils' responsibilities". The full texts of four investigation reports are presented. The case of Dorset Health Authority and Dorset HealthCare NHS Trust relates to funding for a patient's care in a nursing home). Wigan and Bolton Health Authority and Bolton Hospitals NHS Trust were investigated for inappropriate application of policy for funding continuing care, and failure to properly assess a woman's eligibility for NHS-funded continuing in-patient care. Reports on the former Berkshire Health Authority and Birmingham Health Authority both relate to refusal to provide continuing care funding. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030611201 B
ClassmarkQLV: L4: QC: LHB: KW: I: L: 4Q: 6OA

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