Centre for Policy on Ageing


Monitoring residents in sheltered/retirement housing
 — a workshop : 2 April 2003
Corporate AuthorCentre for Social Policy and Social Work, University of Sussex; Sussex Gerontology Network, Sheltered Housing Group
PublisherSchool of Social Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, 2003
Pages14 pp
SourceProfessor Peter Lloyd, School of Social Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9SN.
KeywordsSheltered housing ; Wardens ; Management [care] ; Conference proceedings ; East Sussex.
AnnotationMonitoring the wellbeing of residents has always been one of the prime roles of the sheltered housing scheme manager. However, now that many scheme managers are becoming non-resident and off-site more often, these roles are changing. With the availability of electronic modes of surveillance, there would seem to be less time available for the more personal modes of monitoring. Given that "supervision and monitoring of health" is an important element of the Supporting People policy, how might sheltered housing fulfil the task of monitoring well-being? To answer this, the Workshop heard presentations on Supporting People, the "ring-round" (or morning call to residents); assistive technology; record keeping; and residents' views. Good practice points emerging from workshop groups are summarised. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030610208 P
ClassmarkKLA: QRW: QA: 6M: 8E *

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