Centre for Policy on Ageing


Family members' perceptions of pain and distress related to analgesics and psychotropic drugs and quality of care of elderly nursing home residents
Author(s)Marie Louise Hall-Lord, Inger Johansson, Ingrid Schmidt
Journal titleHealth & Social Care in the Community, vol 11, no 3, May 2003
Pagespp 262-274
KeywordsThe Family ; Attitude ; Pain ; Stress ; Drugs ; Residents [care homes] ; Nursing homes ; Sweden.
Annotation232 family members of older people in 10 Swedish nursing homes participated in this study regarding perceptions of their relatives' pain and distress in relation to analgesics and psychotropic drugs. Data on drug prescribing was obtained from medical records. The head nurse of each ward noted whether or not the resident had a documented or known diagnosis of dementia. Results showed that a a large number of the residents were estimated as having physical pain and worry. While many were prescribed psychotropic drugs, some of the residents with moderate or severe physical pain were not prescribed analgesics. Residents were divided into three subgroups based on scores of physical discomfort, physical pain, and worry. Subgroup comparisons differed with regard to sex, help or support, drugs, and quality of care. Staff have a responsibility to assess residents' pain and distress, since this will form the basis for better pain and distress management. Other suggestions for improving quality of care are the provision of better information to the family members and the residents' meaningful occupation, less task-oriented care, and care that involves residents. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030516231 A
ClassmarkSJ: DP: CT7: QNH: LLD: KX: LHB: 76P

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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