Centre for Policy on Ageing


Hong Kong Chinese Everyday Competence Scale
 — a validation study
Author(s)Kee-Lee Chou
Journal titleClinical Gerontologist, vol 26, nos 1/2, 2002
Pagespp 43-52
KeywordsSelf care capacity ; Mobility ; Cognitive processes ; Evaluation ; Chinese language ; Hong Kong.
AnnotationThe Hong Kong Chinese Everyday Competence Scale has been developed based on six major daily activities - shopping, transport, symbols used in daily life, using electrical appliances, consulting doctors, and financial management - within the Hong Kong context, with six items for each aspect of these activities which are relevant to Hong Kong society. In this study, the Scale was completed by 204 people aged 60+ attending social centres for older people in Hong Kong. The Scale's reliability (internal consistency) was found to be excellent. Concurrent validity was established by strong correlations with the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire. Moreover, significant association were found between the Scale and three tests of Primary Mental Abilities (number skill, spatial relations, and inductive reasoning). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030516208 A
ClassmarkCA: C4: DA: 4C: 6WS: 7DR

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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