Centre for Policy on Ageing


Care homes for older people and younger adults
 — Age Concern's response to the proposed amendment of the National Minimum Standards
Corporate AuthorAge Concern England - ACE
PublisherAge Concern England - ACE, London, November 2002
Pages7 pp (Policy Papers, ref: 2202)
SourceAge Concern England, Astral House, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER.
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Standards of provision ; Age Concern ; Comments or Evidence submitted.
AnnotationAge Concern England's response to the the Department of Health (DH) original consultation ("Fit for the future") emphasised that inspectors and regulators would need to have regard to the views and wishes of residents and their relatives in implementing the standards. ACE is strongly opposed to the present proposals, which represent a retreat from a commitment to improving the quality of services, and in some cases discriminate against older people, for example disabled residents in wheelchairs. ACE also questions the effect that changes in the standards will have on the way in which the regulations are enforced. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030514205 P
ClassmarkKW: LHB: Q3: 583: PT: 6PM *

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