Centre for Policy on Ageing


Stop pensioner poverty now
 — older people - ignored and forgotten
Corporate AuthorHelp the Aged
PublisherHelp the Aged, London, 2003
Pages10 pp
SourceHelp the Aged, 207-221 Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ. info@helptheaged.org.uk
KeywordsPoor elderly ; Isolation ; Help the Aged.
AnnotationLevels of pensioner poverty have not fallen significantly since the Labour government's election in 1997. This policy statement launches Help the Aged's 2003 campaign, "Stop pensioner poverty now", which highlights the position of particularly disadvantaged groups: older women, older people with a disability, black and ethnic minority elders, and older carers. Help the Aged identifies six specific and eminently achievable goals: bridging the gulf between entitlement and claim rates of pensioner benefits; radical improvement in the addition at age 80 to the state pension; making work pay for the poorest older people with an increase in the earnings disregard to £75 a week; ending the anomaly for receipt of Attendance Allowance, to include disabled people aged 65+; preventing avoidable winter deaths; and helping older people to take part in local activities by measures such as improved street lighting and consistent free travel opportunities. In noting the failure of the Green Paper "Simplicity, security and choice" to tackle the problems facing pensioners, Help the Aged calls on the government to match its commitment to ending child poverty with a similar aim for older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030513229 P
ClassmarkF:W6: TP: PYH

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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