Centre for Policy on Ageing


Health in London 2003
 — review of the London Health Strategy high level indicators
Corporate AuthorLondon Health Commission; Greater London Authority - GLA; London Health Observatory
PublisherLondon Health Commission, London, 2003
Pages92 pp
SourceLondon Health Commission, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA. health.commission@london.gov.uk
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Poverty ; Physical disabilities ; Indicators ; London.
Annotation2003 is the European Year of Disabled People, and this report includes a focus on the experience of disabled Londoners. As in the 2002 review, this report highlights important inequalities in health, and the factors that influence health. It adds to information in the 2002 review on the ten high level indicators in the London Health Strategy. Of the ten indicators, those most relevant to older people's health are: proportion of homes judged unfit to live in; burglary rate per 1000 population; air quality indicators; road traffic casualty rate per 1000 resident population; life expectancy at birth; and proportion of people with self-assessed fair, poor or bad health. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030513216 B
ClassmarkCC: F: W6: BN: 3RI: 82L

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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