Centre for Policy on Ageing


Serious benefits
 — the success of CAB benefit take-up campaigns
Author(s)Miranda Kemp
Corporate AuthorNational Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux - NACAB
Journal titleCAB News, April 2003
PublisherNational Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux - NACAB, London, April 2003
Pages16 pp
SourceCitizens Advice, 115-123 Pentonville Road, London N1 9LZ. www.citizensadvice.org.uk
KeywordsSocial security benefits ; Claims [services] ; Usage [services] ; Citizens Advice.
AnnotationCitizens Advice Bureau (CAB) research indicates how benefit take-up can radically improve the lives of older people who are under-claiming their entitlements. This is despite anti-poverty measures such as the minimum income guarantee (MIG) which is designed to benefit the two million pensioners whom live in poverty. "Serious benefits" looks at aspects of CAB work that helps older people with benefit take-up: home visits to those with disabilities; and pooling resources and sharing experiences with statutory services and other agencies. The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Andrew Smith, is asked about government initiatives to increase claiming. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030513214 B
ClassmarkJH: QLT: QLD: PLLA

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