Centre for Policy on Ageing


Intermediate care for older people
 — do we know how?
Author(s)Finbarr C Martin
Journal titleCurrent Medical Literature - Health Care of Older People, 2003
Pagespp 1-7
KeywordsRehabilitation ; Aftercare ; Hospital services ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThe author notes that intermediate care (IC) has existed for some time, if not in name, since geriatric medical services in the UK have espoused rehabilitation and promotion of independence from the outset. On the basis of the literature he reviews, he concludes that we are some way from knowing who is the right patient, when is the right time, and what is the right treatment. IC is likely to be around for the medium term in England, if not in the UK. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030506203 A
ClassmarkLM: LN: LD: 64A

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