Centre for Policy on Ageing


Direct payments for older people in Wales survey
Author(s)Jackie Dix
Corporate AuthorAge Concern Cymru
Journal titleGenerations Review, vol 13, no 1, January 2003
Pagespp 26-27
KeywordsSocial security benefits ; Social Services Departments ; Social surveys ; Wales.
AnnotationSince June 2000, social services departments (SSDs) in Wales have had the discretionary power to offer direct payments to people aged 65+ who are in need of care services. This short article reports results of a survey of all Welsh local authorities by Age Concern Cymru to ascertain how many are offering direct payments and the extent to which older people are choosing the option of direct payments. 14 of the 22 authorities are providing direct payments, with another about to launch a scheme. The author notes that while direct payments offer an additional choice to older people allowing them more control over their care, such schemes need to be actively promoted by local authorities. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030416003 A
ClassmarkJH: PF: 3F: 9

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