Centre for Policy on Ageing


Everyday essentials: meeting basic needs
 — research into accessing essential goods and services
Corporate AuthorNational Consumer Council - NCC
PublisherNational Consumer Council - NCC, London, 2003
Pages16 pp (NCC findings)
SourceNational Consumer Council, 20 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1H 0DH. www.ncc.org.uk
KeywordsServices ; Companies ; Poor elderly ; Consumer ; Needs [elderly] ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationDebates about social exclusion and poverty have recognised the importance of service deprivation - that is, insufficient access to essential goods and services. Water, health services and telephones are essential to consumers' everyday lives, but in UK and European Union (EU) social policy that deals with those goods and services all consumers should be entitled to, there is a lack of clarity and consistency. These research findings are published as part of the National Curriculum Council (NCC) Everyday Essentials project, and based on qualitative research conducted in September/October 2002 with those on low incomes living in deprived areas (Tower Hamlets in London, Toxteth in Liverpool, and Camborne, Redruth and Hayle in Cornwall). Respondents included people from black or minority ethnic communities, and people with basic skills difficulties. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030321205 B
ClassmarkI: X2: F:W6: WY: IK: 3A:6KC

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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