Centre for Policy on Ageing


Care Standards Act 2000: Changes proposed to regulations and national minimum standards relating to adult placements
 — consultation document
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DH
PublisherDepartment of Health (Electronic format only), London, 2003
Pages6 pp
SourceDownloaded document (13/3/03) : www.doh.gov.uk/ncsc/whatsnew.htm
KeywordsBoarding out schemes ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Standards of provision ; Government publications.
Annotation"Lighter touch" regulations and National Minimum Standards are proposed for adult placement schemes. In Annex A, three sorts of changes to the Regulations are identified: adult placement carers caring for someone who has been ordinarily resident as a family member for 5 years or more (the 5 year rule); any placement that does not last for more than 28 days in any 12 month period; and short term breaks. Annex B, Changes proposed to the National Minimum Standards, states that adult placement carers, when providing short term breaks, need to be exempt from certain National Minimum Standards. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030321204 E
ClassmarkKTB: Q3: 583: 6OA *

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