Centre for Policy on Ageing


A questionnaire to measure satisfaction with community services for informal carers of stroke patients
 — construction and initial piloting
Author(s)Chantal Simon, Paul Little, Jon Birtwistle
Journal titleHealth & Social Care in the Community, vol 11, no 2, March 2003
Pagespp 129-137
KeywordsStroke ; Therapeutic services [domiciliary] ; Informal care ; Satisfactory ; Pilot.
AnnotationMost of the 120,000 people affected by stroke in the UK each year are cared for at home by informal carers. Support for these carers is provided by community services; but although single-item measures have shown there to be a relatively high level of dissatisfaction with those services, there is no specific measurement instrument. Qualitative interviews with a sample of informal carers of stroke patients identified from hospital discharge records and with a literature search formed the basis of a self-completion questionnaire which proved unacceptable to carers (20% response rate). 10 minute face-to-face interviews were more acceptable. Initial validity and reliability testing with a sample of 44 carers identified through stroke group and general practice showed good correlation with a single-item satisfaction measure. Further validation with larger and more diverse groups of informal carers is needed. Factor analysis revealed 7 factors: information about community support and involving the carer; appropriateness and co-ordination of services; information about stroke; speed of change and concern about the carer; listening to the carer and being heard; problem management; and confidence in and accuracy of information. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030319206 A
ClassmarkCQA: N3: P6: 5HH: 4UC

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