Centre for Policy on Ageing


Signposts to support
 — understanding the special needs of carers of people with dementia
Corporate AuthorAlzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia
PublisherAlzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia, Edinburgh, 2003
Pages64 pp
SourceAlzheimer Scotland, 22 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 7RN. Website: www.alzscot.org
KeywordsDementia ; Informal care ; Needs [elderly] ; Scotland.
AnnotationThere are at least 29,000 carers providing a regular and substantial amount of care to someone with dementia in Scotland. This report has been produced as part of the Dementia Carers Project, funded by the Scottish Executive under the Carers Strategy for Scotland. It is based on an extensive literature search on the special needs of carers of people with dementia. It aims to help commissioners, providers and assessors to have a better understanding of the support needs of specific groups of carers: young carers; minority ethnic carers; lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender carers; carers of people with Down's syndrome and dementia; carers of younger people with dementia; and carers living in rural areas. The report highlights the importance of taking into account other factors affecting caring, such as a carer's health and coping skills, the characteristics of the person with dementia, the relationship to the cared-for person, and the availability of other informal support and formal care. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030318002 B
ClassmarkEA: P6: IK: 9A

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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