Centre for Policy on Ageing


Midlife and aging in gay America
 — proceedings of the SAGE Conference 2000
Author(s)Douglas C Kimmel, Dawn Lundy Martin
Corporate AuthorSenior Action in a Gay Environment (SAGE)
PublisherHarrington Park Press, Binghamton, NY, 2001
Pages126 pp
SourceHarrington Park Press, 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA.
KeywordsSexual orientation ; Older men ; Older women ; Middle aged ; Ageing process ; Conference proceedings ; United States of America.
AnnotationPresenters at this conference sponsored by SAGE (Senior Action in a Gay Environment) in New York City in May 2000 submitted the articles in this collection. The book is organised in three sections. First, four keynote speeches: an openly lesbian, white leader in the political movement for equal rights for people of all sexual orientations calling for renewed social action on ageing issues; an openly gay African American discussing his experience of growing older; ageing in the US today from the viewpoint of an openly heterosexual, Jewish woman; and being transgender and older. The second section presents general overviews on issues and concerns of older lesbian, gay and bisexual adults. Lastly, special topics cover: intergenerational relationships of older and younger gay men, as displayed in popular films; a study of retirement intentions of same-sex couples; caregiving experiences of older gay men and lesbians; older people's vision problems; and responding to the mental health and grief concerns of homeless HIV-infected gay men. This volume has been published simultaneously as Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, vol 13, no 4, 2001. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030307002 B
ClassmarkES6: BC: BD: SE: BG: 6M: 7T

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