Centre for Policy on Ageing


Cessation of driving in later life may not result in dependence
Author(s)Laurie R Buys, Lorelei Carpenter
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 21.3, September 2002
Pagespp 152-155
KeywordsDriving capability ; Independence ; Social surveys ; Australia.
AnnotationThe relationship between driving independence appears to strengthen as we age, in which case retaining one's driving licence is vital. This paper investigates whether dependency necessarily follows the cessation of driving, or whether it could represent a later life rite of passage. Respondents were 26 individuals aged 70+ in the Brisbane area, 14 of whom were current drivers, the remainder having surrendered their licences in the previous two years. Data were gathered by semi-structured, qualitative telephone interviews. Older drivers expressed that the cessation of driving would result in the loss of their independence. However, the stories of ex-drivers directly challenged this strongly held belief, and raised the possibility that the struggle of relinquishing a driving licence may represent another of life's rites of passage that does not necessarily lead to a loss of independence. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030122211 A
ClassmarkOPF: C3: 3F: 7YA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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