Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ageing and the economy
 — costs and benefits
Author(s)Rob Ranzijn, Jane Harford, Gary Andrew
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 21.3, September 2002
Pagespp 141-151
KeywordsEmployment of older people ; Voluntary work [elderly] ; Well being ; Good Health ; Econometrics ; Costs [care] ; Comparison ; Australia.
AnnotationAn estimate is made of the financial value of the productive contribution by older people to South Australian society, which is compared with the cost of maintaining their health and well-being. 391 participants aged between 63 and 101 were interviewed by telephone about the number of hours per week engaged in a comprehensive list of activities in the previous week. Half of the sample also completed a week-long inventory of good and services which they produced. Goods and services were converted into financial values using current market rates. The costs of health and aged care were obtained from official sources such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The total value of productive activities was estimated to be between A$4.9 and A$58.1 billion, and the value of work performed for other people was estimated at between A$0.2 and A$1.38bn (the South Australian population is about 200,000). The cost of health and aged care was calculated to be about A$1.8bn. Older Southern Australians undoubtedly make essential contributions to society, contributions which have a very large economic value. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030122210 A
ClassmarkGC: GHH: D:F:5HH: CD: WE: QDC: 48: 7YA

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