Centre for Policy on Ageing


Hearing and vision loss within residential care facilities
 — the need for improved service delivery
Author(s)Mark C Flynn, Esther J Kennedy, Julianne Johns
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 21.3, September 2002
Pagespp 141-151
KeywordsHearing Impairment ; Visual impairment ; Care homes ; Rehabilitation ; New Zealand.
AnnotationFunctional assessments of speech understanding could provide a quick and simple assessment of the required level of assistance for each of the 178 residents participating in this New Zealand project. Despite 87.1% of the sample having a significant hearing impairment, only 43.3% currently wore hearing aids. Linked to poor hearing aid use was the fact that 43.9% of hearing aids required some degree of maintenance. Otoscopic examinations revealed 42.1% of ear canals to be occluded with cerumen to a degree that medical intervention was required. Sentence identification revealed the importance of aiding and access to contextual and visual cues (lip-reading) for this population. The study confirms the high prevalence of hearing impairment in older people, and makes a case for rehabilitation services being directed towards this population, particularly in the areas of hearing and maintenance, cerumen removal, and provision of communication skills training to residential care workers. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030122209 A
ClassmarkBV: BR: KW: LM: 7YN

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