Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older widow(er)s
 — bereavement and gender effects on lifestyle and participation
Author(s)Kate M Bennett, Philip T Smith, Georgina M Hughes
Corporate AuthorGrowing Older (GO) Programme, Economic & Social Research Council - ESRC
Journal titleGO Findings: 6 - Research Findings from the Growing Older Programme, September 2002
PublisherESRC, Sheffield, September 2002
Pages4 pp
SourceESRC Growing Older Programme, Department of Sociological Studies, Elmfield, Northumberland Road, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TU. www.shef.ac.uk/uni/projects/gop/index.htm
KeywordsWidows ; Widowers ; Bereavement ; Adjustment ; Well being ; Participation ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationThe lifestyles of women and men widowed in late life are examined. This project highlights gender, social participation, well-being and emotional response, with a view to promoting more effective adjustment to bereavement and widowhood. The study's methods, results and key findings are summarised. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-030108201 A
ClassmarkSP: SPA: DW: DR: D:F:5HH: TMB: 3A:6KC

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