Centre for Policy on Ageing


Healthy life expectancy at health authority level
 — comparing estimates from the General Household Survey and the Health Survey for England
Author(s)Madhavi Bajekal, Susan Purdon, Genevra Woodgate-Jones
Journal titleHealth Statistics Quarterly, no 16, Winter 2002
Pagespp 25-37
KeywordsGood Health ; Life expectancy tables ; Health Authorities and Trusts ; Living patterns ; Social surveys ; Comparison ; England.
AnnotationHealthy life expectancy (HLE) is being used increasingly in the UK as a measure of population health. This article compares the effect of using alternative definitions of self-assessed health on the calculation of HLE for English health authorities (HAs) in 1999. Differences between the three measures of HLE calculated were greatest in those HAs with the lowest life expectancy. However, the underlying geographical distribution of HLE was stable across all the measures examined. This finding provides evidence that self-assessed health (and the measures derived from it) is consistent in distinguishing between local populations, whatever the exact form of questions asked. Stability across measures highlights the potential of using HLE for resource allocation and for monitoring geographical inequalities. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-021216218 A
ClassmarkCD: S7: L4A: K7: 3F: 48: 82

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