Centre for Policy on Ageing


Government response to the Health Select Committee third report of session 2001-02 on delayed discharges
 — presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health, November 2002
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DH; Health Committee, House of Commons
PublisherThe Stationery Office, London, 2002
Pages28 pp (Cm 5645)
SourceThe Stationery Office, PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN.
KeywordsDelayed discharge ; Discharge [hospitals] ; Reports ; Government publications.
AnnotationThe Government states the need for better integration of services across health and social care. Also, "blocked beds" should instead be referred to as "delayed transfers of care". The Government responds to selected paragraphs in the Health Committee's report on delayed discharges. It prefaces remarks with information on recent announcements on expenditure proposals and publications such as "Improvement, expansion and reform: the next 3 years" (the Department of Health's priorities and planning framework for 2003-2006). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-021204215 B
ClassmarkLD:QKM: LD:QKJ: 6K: 6OA

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