Centre for Policy on Ageing


A generation in transition
 — older people's situation and civil society's response in East and Central Europe
Author(s)Paul Hinchliff, Céline Hall
Corporate AuthorEast and Central European Network (ECEN), HelpAge International
PublisherHelpAge International, London, 2002
Pages39 pp
SourceHelpAge International, PO Box 32832, London N1 9ZN. http://www.helpage.org
KeywordsCitizenship ; Pensioners organisations ; Rights [elderly] ; Participation ; Eastern Europe ; International.
AnnotationOlder people in the former Soviet Union, the Balkan states, and Central Europe have defined disillusionment, deprivation, and loss as the key issues affecting them. This document outlines their views on these issues. It examines their response within civil society as a whole, and within those civil society organisations (CSOs) providing services for older people. It also looks at how older people are being empowered within those civil society structures. The East and Central European Network (ECEN) identifies services that have successfully involved older people in self-help and CSO activities. Principles for empowering older people are outlined, using case studies on: listening; building on older people's capacity; creating a partnership based on honesty and reality; placing older people at the centre of the service; and including older people in society. Included is the Prague Declaration, drawn up by ECEN members in 2002, which states older people's needs for economic security, health and wellbeing, and social integration. The document was published to accompany the United Nations Second World Assembly on Ageing in Madrid in April 2002, and in advance of the Inter-Ministerial Conference on Ageing in Berlin. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-021204204 B
ClassmarkIKC: BB6:P4: IKR: TMB: 7A: 72

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