Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social factors and mortality in the old-old in Israel
 — the CALAS Study [Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Aging Study]
Author(s)A Walter-Ginzburg, T Blumstein, A Chetrit
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 57B, no 5, September 2002
Pagespp S308-S318
KeywordsSocial characteristics [elderly] ; Death rate [statistics] ; Over 70s ; Israel.
AnnotationUsing a theoretical framework that divided social factors measures into structural, functional and social engagement, this study of 1,340 Jews aged 75-94 living in Israel in January 1989 determined those aspects of social networks most significantly associated with 8-year all-cause mortality. After controlling for sociodemographics and measures of health, cognitive status, depressive symptoms and physical function, the measures of social engagement that explicitly involved others were associated with a lower risk of mortality. No measure of the function of the social network was associated with risk of mortality. Living in the community without a spouse and with a child, and living in an institution were significantly associated with a higher risk of mortality. The finding that participating in activities with people outside the immediate family is associated with a lower risk of death has practical implications for helping the ageing population and their families in their decision-making processes. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-021107216 A
ClassmarkF: S5: BBK: 7H6

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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