Centre for Policy on Ageing


The effect of education on knowledge and management of elder abuse
 — a randomized controlled trial
Author(s)Barbora Richardson, Ginnette Kitchen, Gill Livingston
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 31, no 5, September 2002
Pagespp 335-342
KeywordsElder abuse ; Management [care] ; Training [welfare work] ; London.
AnnotationAbuse of older people may occur to a disproportionate extent in institutions, and lack of familiarity with protocols in its management is one of the reasons why it persists. This article compares the effectiveness of attending an educational course to printed educational material in improving the management of abuse. Whether positive attitude and low burnout scores are related to improvement is also determined. Educational seminars were superior to printed material (with the same content) in increasing knowledge and good management of abuse. Multidisciplinary education needs to be targeted according to baseline knowledge, as those who knew more learned less in this north London study. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-021022206 A
ClassmarkQNT: QA: QW: 82L

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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