Centre for Policy on Ageing


The SF-36 and the MFI-20 in assessing fatigue among female caregivers of male hemodialysis patients
Author(s)Robert A Schneider
Journal titleJournal of Mental Health and Aging, vol 8 no 2, Summer 2002
Pagespp 151-160
KeywordsWomen as carers ; Wives as carers ; Stress ; Evaluation ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe reliability and convergent validity of the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory-20 (MFI-20) and the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 (SF-36) in operationalising fatigue in female caregivers of male dialysis patients are tested. The measures were administered to 45 Iowan spouse or other close female caregivers. Regression analysis of the 8 subscales of the SF-36 backwards on the 5 subscales of the MFI-20 gave moderate to high associations. These scales may be useful in determining quality of life issues for dialysis patients and their caregivers, whose fatigue is often underestimated or overlooked. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020924226 A
ClassmarkP6:SH: P6:SNW: QNH: 4C: 7T

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