Centre for Policy on Ageing


Cognitive coping and depressive symptoms in the elderly
 — a longitudinal study
Author(s)V Kraaij, E Pruymboom, N Garnefski
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 6, no 3, August 2002
Pagespp 275-281
KeywordsStress ; Adjustment ; Depression ; Symptoms ; Longitudinal surveys ; Netherlands.
AnnotationThe relationship between cognitive coping strategies and depressive symptoms in old age are examined in this two and a half year follow-up study of a community sample of 99 Dutch people aged 67+. Subjects filled out a self-report questionnaire comprising the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) and a negative life events checklist. Cognitive coping strategies seemed to play an important role in relation to depressive symptoms in late life. Those with more depressive symptoms reported to use acceptance, rumination and catastrophising to a significantly greater extent and positive reappraisal to a significantly lesser extent than those with lower depressive scores. After controlling for negative life events and poor depressive symptoms, acceptance and positive reappraisal retained their significant relationship with current depressive symptoms. It is suggested that interventions should pay attention to these aspects, by challenging the "maladaptive" strategies, and by supplying the more "adaptive" strategies. This could be linked to the well-established cognitive therapies. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020919213 A
ClassmarkQNH: DR: ENR: CT: 3J: 76H

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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