Centre for Policy on Ageing


Younger people in dementia care
 — a review of service needs, service provision and models of good practice
Author(s)A M Beattie, G Daker-White, J Gilliard
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 6, no 3, August 2002
Pagespp 205-212
KeywordsMiddle aged ; Dementia ; Needs [elderly] ; Usage [services] ; Standards of provision ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationIn this review of the literature on younger people (under 65 years of age) with dementia and in dementia care, the authors used a search strategy derived from the methodology of systematic reviews. 74 papers were identified, of which 69 (93.2%) originated in the UK. The need for specialist, flexible, age-appropriate, and dedicated services was a central theme of the literature. A person-centred approach was advocated within an individual or "tailor-made" model of care. However, the available evidence suggests that this model of good practice is not currently reflected in most of the services offered in the UK. Overall, the literature argues that the needs of younger people with dementia are best served by inter-agency collaboration, early assessment, and an awareness of individual needs. Clearly, these proposals could serve anyone with dementia, irrespective of age. However, aside from a few prevalence studies and some exploratory work with small numbers of service users, very little empirical work is available. The recommendations that have been made regarding dementia services for younger people are based largely on the practical experience of professionals and paid carers, rather than scientific evidence. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020919205 A
ClassmarkSE: EA: IK: QLD: 583: 64A

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