Centre for Policy on Ageing


Inequalities in life expectancy by social class, 1972-1999
Author(s)Angela Donkin, Peter Goldblatt, Kevin Lynch
Journal titleHealth Statistics Quarterly, no 15, Autumn 2002
Pagespp 5-15
KeywordsPoverty ; Life expectancy tables ; Social class ; Longitudinal surveys.
AnnotationInequalities in male and female life expectancy by social class from the OPCS/ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) have persisted since the study began in the 1970s. Inequalities in life expectancy persist whether social class is assigned at or after the 1971, 1981 or 1991 Censuses. However, using a more recent census base results in less reliable estimates, particularly for women, as a larger proportion of deaths are not classified to a social class. This has important implications for the introduction of the National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification for monitoring these health inequalities. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020919202 A
ClassmarkW6: S7: T: 3J

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