Centre for Policy on Ageing


Developing a profile of older carers
Author(s)Alisoun Milne
Journal titleGenerations Review, vol 12, no 2, July 2002
Pagespp 17-19
KeywordsInformal care ; Older people ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Social surveys.
AnnotationIn 2001, Help the Aged commissioned the report, "Caring in later life: a review of the needs and roles of older carers" by Alisoun Milne and colleagues at the Tizard Centre. This paper offers an overview of those findings that contribute to the development of a "profile" of older carers: who cares in later life; who do older carers support; groups of older carers; co-resident and extra resident older carers; the roles and commitment of older carers; and services and support for older carers. Further analysis is provided from the 1995 General Household Survey (GHS) follow-up report, "Informal carers" (TSO, 1998). The author suggests that the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) and the National Carers Strategy offer a good opportunity to focus attention on this "invisible" group. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020814211 A
ClassmarkP6: B: F: 3F

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