Centre for Policy on Ageing


Issues of race, ethnicity and culture in caregiving research
 — a 20 year review (1980-2000)
Author(s)Peggye Dilworth-Anderson, Ishan Canty Williams, Brent E Gibson
Journal titleThe Gerontologist, vol 42, no 2, April 2002
Pagespp 237-272
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Informal care ; Research Reviews ; Literature reviews.
Annotation59 articles on caregiving with particular reference to race, ethnicity and/or culture, and published between 1980 and 2000 are reviewed, based on a search of electronic databases, other review articles and reference lists. The review focuses on conceptual and theoretical approaches, sampling strategies, measurement techniques, and similarities and differences found among groups and across studies. Caregiving experiences and outcomes varied across racial and ethnic groups. However, the use of non-theoretical approaches, non-probability samples and inconsistent measures between studies has limited understanding of caregiving among diverse populations. Gaps identified in research point to the need for more attention to such issues as acculturation, assimilation, and cultural values, beliefs and norms, while also improving theoretical and methodological rigour. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020806211 A
ClassmarkTK: P6: 3A:6KC: 64A

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